In [36]:
# Electron spectrometer 2D simulation code
from math import *
import numpy as np
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import sympy as sym
from pylab import *
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
import seaborn as sns
import scipy.interpolate
from scipy.stats import maxwell
import matplotlib.cbook as cbook
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
import os
#Import custom modules
from physics import *
%matplotlib notebook
In [37]:
#Program specific constants
length = 3.0 #magnet and interaction length in inches
width = 0.6 #interaction width in inches
magwidth = 2.0 #magnet width in inches
magsep = 0.125 #magnet separation in inches
pinholediameter = 500 #pinhole diameter in um
numbins = 300 #number of bins
KEmin = 60 #minimum desired electron KE to be detected in keV
KEmax = 4000 #maximum desired electron KE to be detected in keV
#Conversion to base units
length = length*0.0254
width = width*0.0254
magwidth = magwidth*0.0254
magsep = magsep*0.0254
pinholediameter = pinholediameter*10**-6
KEmin = KEmin*1000*q
KEmax = KEmax*1000*q
#Calculated constants
binwidth = length/numbins #screen bin width
yf = width #final x-position when at screen
B0 = 2*me*c/(q*yf)*sqrt((KEmin/(me*c**2)+1)**2-1) #maximum magnetic field (in T) required to detect electrons with KE=KEmin
##B0 = 2*me*c*yf/(q*(length**2+yf**2))*sqrt((KEmax/(me*c**2)+1)**2-1) # miniumum magnetic field (in T) required to detect electrons with KE=KEmax
B0 = 50./1000
print("magnetic field =",B0*1000,"mT")
where $B_0$ is the magnetic field strength and $E$ is the electron energy. In the simplest case, the detector is placed at the edge of the magnet. The final electron position along the detector as a function of energy is then given by
$$ z = \sqrt{ r^2 - (y-r)^2)} $$where y is the distance from the edge of the detector that the electron is injected.
In [38]:
#Defined analytic functions
def KEcalc(z,y):
"""Returns KE in J given z-position in m"""
return me*c**2*(sqrt((q*B0/(me*c))**2*((z**2+y**2)/(2*y))**2+1)-1)
def Radius(KE):
"""Returns radius of electron orbit in m given KE in keV"""
return me*c/(q*B0)*sqrt((KE*1000*q/(me*c**2)+1)**2-1)
def zfcalc(KE,y):
"""Returns the z-position at the screen in inches given the KE in keV and the distance between the
electron injection position and the screen (y) in m"""
R = Radius(KE)
return sqrt(R**2 - (y-R)**2)
#Above functions were generalized for a screen standing off of the magnets by some distance
def zfcalcGeneral(KE,yM,y):
"""Returns the z-position at the screen in inches given the KE in keV, and the distance between the
electron injection position and the screen (y) in m, and the magnet edge y-position yM in m"""
R = Radius(KE)
zM = zfcalc(KE,yM) #Final z-position of the electrons once they reach the magnet edge
return zM + (y - yM)*(R - yM)/zM
def KEcalcGeneral(zf,yM,yf):
"""Returns KE in J given z-position of electrons, y-position of magnet edge, and y-position of screen, all in m"""
a = (yM+yf)**2
b = -2*yM*(yf*(yM+yf)+zf**2)
d = yM**2*(zf**2+yf**2)
f = (me*c)/(q*B0)
g = (-b+sqrt(b**2-4*a*d))/(2*a)
return me*c**2*(sqrt(g**2+f**2)/f - 1)
def AngleIncidence(KE,yM):
"""Returns the angle at which the electrons are incident on the screen"""
R = Radius(KE)
return asin((R-yM)/R)
In [39]:
#Create Figure
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(16,12))
ax = fig.add_subplot(121)
#Input constants
B0 = 2136.0 #Magnetic field strength in Gauss
B0 = B0/10**4
yM = 0.5 #edge of magnet relative to slit in inches
yf = yM+0.12 #screen position relative to slit in inches
length = 3.0 #magnet and interaction length in inches
width = 0.5 #interaction width in inches
magwidth = 2.0 #magnet width in inches
magsep = 0.125 #magnet separation in inches
#Conversion to base units
yf = yf*.0254
yM = yM*.0254
length = length*0.0254
width = width*0.0254
magwidth = magwidth*0.0254
magsep = magsep*0.0254
#Electron kinetic energy in keV
KE = [round(KEcalcGeneral(9.5*10**-3,yM,yf)/(1000*q),1),round(KEcalcGeneral(length/4,yM,yf)/(1000*q),1),\
for i in range(len(KE)):
#Initial conditions
KE[i] = KE[i]*1000*q #Convert to J
v = [0,0,c*sqrt(1-(1/(KE[i]/(me*c**2)+1))**2)] #initial velocity
gamma = 1/sqrt(1-v[2]**2/c**2)
p = [0,0,gamma*me*v[2]] #initial momentum
r = [0,0,0] #initial position
dt = 10**-14 #time step in s
ypos = []
zpos = []
while r[1]<yf:
#update magnetic field
if r[1]<=yM:
B = B0
B = 0
#update velocity (since the magnetic field does no work, |v| and gamma are constant)
v[1] += q*v[2]*B/(me*gamma)*dt
v[2] += -q*v[1]*B/(me*gamma)*dt
#update position:
r[1] += v[1]*dt
r[2] += v[2]*dt
#record position:
#prevent infinite loop if electrons never reach screen:
if r[1]<0:
if i==0:
print('KE (keV)','\t','Simulation z-position (in)','\t','Theory z-position (in)','\t','Incident Angle (degrees)')
if r[1]<0:
print(KE[i]/(1000*q),'keV electrons never reach the detector')
annotation = '{KE} keV e$^-$'.format(KE=str(KE[i]/(1000*q)))
ax.annotate(annotation, xy=(yf/.0254, r[2]/.0254), xytext=(yf/.0254+0.25, r[2]/.0254-0.01),\
arrowprops=dict(facecolor='black', shrink=0.05, width=1.0, headwidth=5.0))
print(KE[i]/(1000*q),'\t \t',round(r[2]/.0254,6),'\t \t \t',round(zfcalcGeneral(KE[i]/(1000*q),yM,yf)/0.0254,6),\
'\t \t',round(atan(v[2]/v[1])*360/(2*pi),6), '\t \t', round(AngleIncidence(KE[i]/(1000*q),yM)*360/(2*pi),6))
In [48]:
#Set tick padding
mpl.rcParams['xtick.major.pad'] = 16
mpl.rcParams['ytick.major.pad'] = 6
especFolderPath = os.curdir + '/Magnetic_Fields'
RadiaFieldPath = especFolderPath + '/3Dmagnetostaticespecdata.csv'
fname = cbook.get_sample_data(RadiaFieldPath, asfileobj=False)
# FakeFieldPath = especFolderPath + '/measuredfakefull_Bx.csv'
# FakeFieldycoordPath = especFolderPath + '/measuredfakefull_ycoord.csv'
# FakeFieldzcoordPath = especFolderPath + '/measuredfakefull_zcoord.csv'
RealFieldPath = especFolderPath + '/march7fields_Bx.csv'
RealFieldycoordPath = especFolderPath + '/march7fields_ycoord.csv'
RealFieldzcoordPath = especFolderPath + '/march7fields_zcoord.csv'
# Bx = np.matrix.transpose(np.loadtxt(open(FakeFieldPath, "rb"), delimiter=","))
# Bx = np.multiply(Bx, 0.1)
# Y = np.matrix.transpose(np.loadtxt(open(FakeFieldycoordPath, "rb"), delimiter=","))
# Z = np.matrix.transpose(np.loadtxt(open(FakeFieldzcoordPath, "rb"), delimiter=","))
Bx = np.loadtxt(open(RealFieldPath, "rb"), delimiter=",")
Bx = np.multiply(Bx, 10**-3)
Y = np.loadtxt(open(RealFieldycoordPath, "rb"), delimiter=",")
Z = np.loadtxt(open(RealFieldzcoordPath, "rb"), delimiter=",")
Ny = len(Bx)
Nz = len(Bx[0])
#Convert 1D radia array to 3D array
# Bx1DArray = np.genfromtxt(fname,delimiter=",",usecols=(5))
# By1DArray = np.genfromtxt(fname,delimiter=",",usecols=(3))
# Bz1DArray = np.genfromtxt(fname,delimiter=",",usecols=(4))
# Nx = 3 #Number of divisions along specified dimension
# Ny = 61
# Nz = 87
# Bx = np.zeros((Nx,Ny,Nz))
# By = np.zeros((Nx,Ny,Nz))
# Bz = np.zeros((Nx,Ny,Nz))
# X = range(Nx)
# Y = range(Ny)
# Z = range(Nz)
# Y, Z = np.meshgrid(Z, Y)
# for i in range(Nx):
# for j in range(Ny):
# for k in range(Nz):
# Bx[i][j][k] = Bx1DArray[k+j*Nz+i*Ny*Nz]
# By[i][j][k] = By1DArray[k+j*Nz+i*Ny*Nz]
# Bz[i][j][k] = Bz1DArray[k+j*Nz+i*Ny*Nz]
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(5,8))
# ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
# field = ax.plot_surface(Y,Z,Bx,rstride=1, cstride=1, cmap='viridis')
# fig.colorbar(field, shrink=0.7, aspect=10)
In [41]:
#2D interpolation
y00 = Y[0,0]*10**-3
z00 = Z[0,0]*10**-3
deltay = 1.0*10**-3
deltaz = 1.0*10**-3
SimSizey = (Ny-1)*deltay
SimSizez = (Nz-1)*deltaz
def Binterp2D(y,z):
"""Uses bilinear interpolation to determine magnetic field at any given point in space (see wikipedia)"""
#Lattice points below (x,y,z). Here n refers to the index and (x0,y0,z0) to the physical position:
ny0 = int(floor((y-y00)/deltay))
nz0 = int(floor((z-z00)/deltaz))
y0 = y00 + ny0*deltay
z0 = z00 + nz0*deltaz
#Lattice points above (x,y,z). Here n refers to the index and (x1,y1,z1) to the physical position:
ny1 = int(ceil((y-y00)/deltay))
nz1 = int(ceil((z-z00)/deltaz))
y1 = y00 + ny1*deltay
z1 = z00 + nz1*deltaz
return 1/((y1-y0)*(z1-z0))*(Bx[ny0][nz0]*(y1-y)*(z1-z) + Bx[ny1][nz0]*(y-y0)*(z1-z)\
+ Bx[ny0][nz1]*(y1-y)*(z-z0) + Bx[ny1][nz1]*(y-y0)*(z-z0))
In [42]:
#Input constants
B0 = 2136.0 #Magnetic field strength in Gauss
r0 = [0,-12.7,-12.7] #initial position in mm
yM = 0.5 #magnet edge position in inches
CCDpos = 3.02 #CCD y-position relative to magnet edge in mm
length = 3.0 #magnet and interaction length in inches
width = 0.5 #interaction width in inches
magwidth = 2.0 #magnet width in inches
magsep = 0.125 #magnet separation in inches
#Conversion to base units
B0 = B0/10**4
yM = yM*.0254
length = length*0.0254
width = width*0.0254
magwidth = magwidth*0.0254
magsep = magsep*0.0254
r0 = np.multiply(r0,10**-3)
CCDpos = CCDpos*10**-3
#Create Figures
# fig1 = plt.figure(figsize=(16,16.4))
# ax1 = fig1.add_subplot(121)
# fig2 = plt.figure(figsize=(8,8))
# ax2 = fig2.add_subplot(111)
#Main Program (older code, should be vectorized)
yf = yM + CCDpos #Screen position
# KE = [225.0, 500.0, 1000.0, 1570.0, round(KEcalcGeneral((1500*8+9500)*10**-6,yM,yf)/(1000*q),1), \
# round(KEcalcGeneral((2200*8+9500)*10**-6,yM,yf)/(1000*q),1)] #Electron kinetic energy in keV
# KE = [200.0, 500.0, 1000.0, 1700.0]
KE = np.arange(200.0,1710.0,10)
zfinal = []
zfinalTheory = []
Angle = []
AngleSim = []
arclengthArray = [] #arclength of trajectory
for i in range(len(KE)):
#Initial conditions
KE[i] = KE[i]*1000*q #Convert to J
v = [0,0,c*sqrt(1-(1/(KE[i]/(me*c**2)+1))**2)] #initial velocity
gamma = 1/sqrt(1-v[2]**2/c**2)
p = [0,0,gamma*me*v[2]] #initial momentum
r = np.copy(r0) #initial position
dt = 10**-13 #time step in s
ypos = []
zpos = []
Barray = []
tarray = []
t = 0 #initial time
arclength = 0 #arclength of trajectory
while r[1]<CCDpos:
#if the electrons take more than a nanosecond, something wicked occurred
if t>10*10**-9:
if r[1]==r0[1]:
B = Bx[r0[1]*10**3,r0[2]*10**3]
B = Binterp2D(r[1],r[2])
#update velocity (since the magnetic field does no work, |v| and gamma are constant)
v[1] += -q*v[2]*B/(me*gamma)*dt
v[2] += q*v[1]*B/(me*gamma)*dt
#update position:
yold = r[1]
zold = r[2]
r[1] += v[1]*dt
r[2] += v[2]*dt
arclength += sqrt((r[1]-yold)**2+(r[2]-zold)**2)
#record position:
#record magnetic field:
#record time:
#prevent infinite loop if electrons never reach screen:
if r[2]>33*10**-3:
#increment time
# if i==0:
# print('KE (keV)','\t','Simulation z-position (mm)','\t','Theory z-position (mm)','\t','Incident Angle (degrees)')
# if r[2]>40*10**-3:
# print(KE[i]/(1000*q),'keV electrons never reach the detector')
# else:
# print(KE[i]/(1000*q),'\t \t',round(r[2]*10**3,6),'\t \t \t',\
# round(zfcalcGeneral(KE[i]/(1000*q),-r0[1], -r0[1]+CCDpos)*10**3,6), '\t \t',\
# round(atan(v[2]/v[1])*360/(2*pi),6), '\t \t', round(AngleIncidence(KE[i]/(1000*q),yM)*360/(2*pi),6),\
# '\t \t', round(arclength,4)*10**2)
zfinalTheory.append(zfcalcGeneral(KE[i]/(1000*q),-r0[1], -r0[1]+CCDpos)*10**3)
# ax1.plot(ypos,zpos,linewidth=2,color=[0,1,0])
# ax1.set_xlim(r0[1]*10**3-10,CCDpos*10**3)
# ax1.set_ylim(r0[2]*10**3,40)
# annotation = '{KE} keV e$^-$'.format(KE=str(KE[i]/(1000*q)))
# ax1.annotate(annotation, xy=(CCDpos*10**3, r[2]*10**3), xytext=(CCDpos*10**3+5, r[2]*10**3+2),\
# arrowprops=dict(facecolor='black', shrink=0.05, width=1.0, headwidth=5.0))
# ax1.set_xlabel('Position (mm)')
# ax1.set_ylabel('Position (mm)')
# ax2.plot(tarray,Barray,linewidth=2,color=[0,0,1])
# ax2.set_xlabel('Time (ps)')
# ax2.set_ylabel('Magnetic field (mT)')
# fig1.savefig('Trajectories.svg',bbox_inches='tight')
KESim = np.multiply(KE, 1/(1000*q))
In [43]:
KE = np.arange(200.0,2000.0,10)
zfcalcGeneralVectorized = np.vectorize(zfcalcGeneral)
zfinalTheory = zfcalcGeneralVectorized(KE,-r0[1], -r0[1]+CCDpos)*10**3
In [44]:
i = -1
zfinalTheoryPixels = np.multiply(np.subtract(zfinalTheory, 9.5), 1000/8.0)
In [45]:
# Arclength_vs_Energy = np.vstack((np.divide(KE,1000*q),np.multiply(arclengthArray,10**2)))
# np.savetxt('Arclength_vs_Energy.csv',np.transpose(Arclength_vs_Energy),delimiter=',')
In [46]:
#Set tick padding
mpl.rcParams['xtick.major.pad'] = 16
mpl.rcParams['ytick.major.pad'] = 6
B0 = 1710*10**-4
zfinalPixels = np.multiply(np.subtract(zfinal, 9.5), 1000/8.0)
zfinalTheoryPixels = np.multiply(np.subtract(zfinalTheory, 9.5), 1000/8.0)
fig1, ax1 = plt.subplots(figsize=(10,6))
ax1.plot(zfinalPixels,np.divide(KESim,1000),linewidth=2, color='b', label='Particle Tracking Code')
,linewidth=2, color='r', label='Analytical Expression',linestyle='--')
ax1.set_ylabel('Electron Energy (MeV)')
ax1.set_xlabel('Pixel Number')
plt.ticklabel_format(style='sci', axis='x', scilimits=(0,0))
plt.title('Energy Calibration')
plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.14,bottom=0.16) #Adjust spacing to prevent clipping of x and y labels
In [47]:
KE = []
zposition = []
for i in linspace(0,66.7,10000):
# np.savetxt("EvsZ.csv", KE, delimiter=",")
# np.savetxt("Z.csv", zposition, delimiter=",")
# np.savetxt("KE.csv", np.arange(250.0,1580.0,10), delimiter=",")
# np.savetxt("Angle.csv", Angle, delimiter=",")